Ask Him for Encouragement and Ask Him for Hope

"The days pass and oftentimes we forget—no we don’t even think about appreciation and gratitude. Jane Trufant Harvey has written a wonderful reminder for everyone to stop and take a deep breath, smell the flowers and say thanks to God for all the gifts given.

This little book, Ask Him for Encouragement passed into my life at just the right time. A crisis was brewing in my life and I was stuck on worry. Instead, I began reading the small reminders and then looking up and reading the Bible versus that accompanied each little saying and it soothed me, while putting my troubles into perspective.

Harvey’s little book allowed me to think about my life and grow closer to the Lord with her gift book. Thank you, Jane Harvey. Armchair Interviews says: A great gift for yourself or someone you care about."
Reviewed by Sharon Broom – Armchair Interviews

"Jane Trufant Harvey has done us a beautiful service by pulling together the wisdom of the saints in this lovely little book. Each day is a new gem—a new blessing—to be discovered and savored. God bless you, Jane!"
- Kitty Cleveland
Award-winning singer, songwriter and actress and final nominee for the 2007 “Artist of the Year” Unity Award

"I love ASK HIM! I have one on my desk at work and one on my desk at home where I write. There is something very powerful about the way these books lead us to the most important conversation of our lives."
- Matthew Kelly
The New York Times bestselling author of The Rhythm of Life

"I keep my copy of ASK my kitchen. Each morning, while I am making my coffee, I flip the pages randomly. It is amazing how, whatever I turn to, is so appropriate for that day!"
- Terry Dwyer
Portland, Oregon

"As a librarian and former owner of a children's bookstore in New Orleans, I have reviewed hundreds of books. I have written countless articles noting the applicability and worthiness of particular books to create curriculum. When Jane showed me her book Ask Him...I was immediately struck by its sweet simplicity. Straight from the heart come messages that are so familiar. She reminds us to take care of ourselves by surrounding ourselves in God's love. It will inspire young children, teenagers, and adults, young and old, to think about the simplicity and beauty of His love. For me, that is the business of writing -- the art of touching others."
- Jane Finney Haas
New Orleans, Louisiana

Please send me 2 of these wonderful little books -- A dear friend gave me one for Christmas and it was much needed at this time in my life. Now I want to share them with others who also will find them a gift they will use daily and treasure always -- Thank you."
- Hilda Theriot

"Just a short note to say thank you for your beautiful inspirational books “Ask Him…” It is a beautiful book and a true gift. We always start our morning with a prayer and now we have something to give us focus during the week. May God continue to bless you!"
- Charlie Foy, D.D.S.

"Thank you, thank you for saying “yes” to our Father and allowing His healing love to flow through you to all who enjoy Ask Him... - I love it! I hope one day we will meet, you are a special gift. God is awesome and God provides."
- Marion Walther- Covington, Louisiana

“I am grateful to be ordering (3) Ask Him…weekly journey “calendars”. Thank you so much and more importantly, following the call from God.
- Nancy Dolan
Co-Founder of the Matt Dolan Service Fund, Inc.

“I was waiting for this carefree timelessness to come where I would write this very heartfelt thank you to you expressing my joy and gratitude. Well, I woke up today and said enough with the procrastination (definitely my weakness) I am going to thank Jane for this amazing book, Ask Him…. that I look at and ponder every morning. What a gift it has been in my life. It brings peace and comfort when I read the words. It just speaks straight to my heart.
- Lisa Davenport
Coronado Island, California

"I have my copy of Ask Him…! As I read it, I could see what a blessing it will be to someone who needs to see, read, and meditate on those words at that moment. I believe it will touch many lives. It’s sweet, simple and powerful. You go girl! Know that the Lord will use these simple yet powerful prayers to minister to someone at a crucial time. I encourage you to keep doing what you are doing to serve our wonderful master, Jesus Christ."
- Arlene Blanchard
Survivor, Oklahoma City Bombing

“I have just opened a Religious Shop and one of my customers brought in your book. It is beautiful. I was having a bad day and I flipped it open and it told me to have no anxiety about anything. I would like very much to order some copies for the store. Please let me know what information I’ll need to send. Thank you very much.”
- Patricia Quintiliani
A Shower of Roses Religious Books and Gifts

“No matter where I am in my life, no matter what day I read a page that I have randomly chosen in Ask Him Volume I, the words actually speak to me. It has continually amazed me. And, now, I am finding the same is true for Ask Him Volume II. It contains even more profound messages that help me in my search for answers, faith, guidance, comfort and strength to live each day to the best of my ability.”
- Nancy Weseman Fratzke

Thank Him

“Jane, just wanted to let you know how I appreciate my Thank Him book.  Everyday it reminds me that there are many wonderful things to be grateful for.  I have sent one to my Mom who is fighting ovarian cancer and I know it helps her get through the day.  You are a true inspiration. 

Thank You”
Brenda Lesher
Tampa, Florida

“Thank Him! is a remedy for our inner vacuum cleaner-- that force the whisks us deeper and deeper into ourselves. That inner-pull can make us so serious, and so seriously unhappy. Jesus constantly reminds us that the path to happiness is a step outside of ourselves--a turn to the other. Thank Him lifts our hearts joyfully, gratefully to God and reminds us of all the little gems of grace that we encounter daily. Life is full of quirks and spins and turns and its all part of a big beautiful plan. Thank God for little reminders like Thank Him!”

Colin MacIver
Religion department chair, Saint Scholastica Academy
Youth Minister, St. Anselm Parish
Madisonville, Louisiana

“In a busy world of opportunities and blessings, gratefulness is sometimes overlooked.  “Thank Him” is a wonderful inspiring and beautiful reminder that I keep handy so not to forget.  More important to remember is that blessings are meant to be shared and by that act of sharing you discover the root of true happiness.  This book inspires one to do that.  Thanks Janie for sharing your gifts in writing this book.”
Joan Altemuehle
Cincinnati, Ohio

“Dear Jane,
Saints Alive! succinctly captures the wisdom and humanity of an incredible group of holy men and women whose words speak to us today.  The short quotations provide us with quick jolts of human comfort, spiritual inspiration, and practical advice -- while making us realize that these saints struggled with the same issues that face us today.  The book’s format makes for easy presentation that can remain visible for as long as one chooses.  I value the copy that was given to me.”
Brother Ray Bulliard, FSC
Principal - Saint Paul’s School
Covington, Louisiana  

“Saints Alive! is a constant reminder of our call to dignity and even heroism in everyday life. The saints' quotes are so credible because they were lived out. They represent a community of real life witnesses to faith, hope, and love who had the same problems that we do and who practiced what they preached. Their tried and true words ring out like a clear bell in today’s world as these special souls pray for us in heaven.  In our busy world we are tempted to coast through daily existence, but the saints bring us to our senses and remind us to live richly, to drink deeply and even just to calm down. Saints Alive is a great gift and hopeful sign!”
Colin MacIver
Religion department chair, Saint Scholastica Academy
Youth Minister, St. Anselm Parish
Madisonville, Louisiana

"Dear Janie,
Bless you, How serene a feeling to know our challenges in life are not new.  Those before us have experienced them also.  “Saints Alive” is a book of encouragement.  I cherish the secrets of true happiness and inspiration found in this book...simply said, simply lived.  My gratitude goes to Jane, my friend, for sharing her gifts in bringing this book to us simply and beautifully written."
Joan Altemuehle Cincinnati, Ohio

"Saints Alive will surely impact you with its amazingly beautiful messages that have been well chosen and carefully selected to inspire. What a wonderful opportunity Mrs. Harvey has given the readers to acquaint or reacquaint themselves with thoughts, philosophies, and beliefs of so many spirit-filled individuals. It is so very convenient to be able to access the essence of so many Saints in one small book. Every person is sure to find a special message which will speak to them. With this book, the author continues to help to make enhanced spirituality achievable to a world of busy people."
Christina Crutcher
Mandeville, Louisiana
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