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I wrote these books to be thought-provoking, guided prayer; to give a start to those who don't have a starting place and to elevate the spirit of those who do.

They help to develop a dialogue with God that stimulates your spirit to seek Him first in the everyday circumstances of life.

I wrote them to help you search and find the goodness in other people and to focus on what's really important.....

.....to reclaim your time, live in the moment, pursue your passions, discover your essential purpose in life, concentrate on your health, give more, take less, to give beyond yourself, to have more encounters with peace than with chaos....and to grow into everything you were created to be.

These books are also reminders of how we should live our lives -- striving for excellence and being of service to and caring for others.

There will be times in your life when you will feel totally overjoyed – everything seems to be going your way and God seems to be truly smiling on you....and then there will be the times you feel totally overwhelmed and in the depths of despair.

The messages and reflections in these inspirational books encourage you to focus on and rest in God's sufficiency, instead of your circumstances... to trust Him....especially during the difficult moments when you don't understand why.

They can be read by all. They can be used in a classroom, a church, and at home. They can be read privately or aloud for ALL to hear! They will challenge you, inspire you, give you hope, and remind you that God wants more for you than you could ever imagine for yourself. Let these books help you jumpstart the most important conversations of your life.

Ask Him for Encouragement – A Start for Those Who Need a Starting Place, reaffirms that we all need to hear words of encouragement, whether we're in the midst of a really bad day or just need to know someone cares about us.

These 52 uplifting reflections will open your heart to the encouragement that a loving God will give ---- if only you'll Ask Him.

Before long, you'll be reaching out to encourage friends, family members, and neighbors so they might share the gift of peace and joy in their lives as well.

"There is something very powerful about the way this book leads us to the most important conversations of our lives."
- Matthew Kelly, The New York Times bestselling author of The Rhythm of Life

Ask Him for Hope – Profound Glimpses into the Heart of God reminds us that we all go through times when life is difficult and the outcome uncertain. That's when we need to step back and see things from God's perspective. This book has 52 insightful reminders to put our hope in Him - not our circumstances.

Ask Him for Hope helps us find His solutions for some of the most difficult situations we may face. These stirring reflections will open our hearts to the One who gives hope - to all those who Ask Him.

These books are both guided prayer and thought provoking reflections that are designed to simply encourage conversations with God and arouse the heart to a more heightened and inspired awareness of how much He loves us exactly the way we are, exactly at this moment.

"What a blessing this book will be to someone who needs to read and meditate on these words. It's sweet, simple and powerful."
- Arlene Blanchard, survivor, Oklahoma City bombing


THANK HIM is a guidebook with an attitude!


It is about thanking Him for the good, the bad and the ugly. It is silly and serious and uplifting and refreshing, but most importantly, it encourages us to stay centered in affirming, everyday, what an incredible gift it is to be a child of God!

This book is intended to redefine how you approach each day and to help you develop a positive, grateful mind-set. Being grateful is a choice – one that can change lives. BE CHANGED!


Have you ever wished that you could somehow plug yourself in to certain people who possess the kind of qualities that you admire and are inspired by? ...and then simply push a button and all of the good quality stuff that's in them downloads into you and miraculously become the fabric of who you are? That certainly would make life easier wouldn't it?!

The next best thing would be to find and get to know people whose insight and understanding carry significant wisdom and serve as vivid examples to us as we try daily to recognize and permit ourselves to be fully human and love Jesus.

Saints Alive! Helps you discover how funny and inspiring the Saints are! They've made some bad choices, suffered heartaches, disappointments and things haven't always gone their way. (Sound familiar?)

Saints Alive! Offers a glimpse into who they were and what they believed... through the very words they'd spoken, thought, or contemplated. It is bursting with inspiration. It is bursting with life. You will be transformed by their words!

Ask Him for Courage with Cancer
Cancer comes uninvited and alters lives. Here's courage for the battle!

Cancer altered author Jane Harvey's life. It came uninvited and stole things from her, irreplaceable things... both of her parents, as well as many other friends and family. She kept trying to figure out how to turn everything that was upside down and inside out, back to normal. As a result of what she learned, she wrote Ask Him for Courage with Cancer so you too will know with absolute certainty that cancer does not have all the power. God is your most powerful ally in this battle. He will help you stand against all that cancer relentlessly tries to steal. Through it all, He will teach and guide your heart; and if you let Him, He will help you discover life-changing insights about yourself and those you love.

Right now, cancer might have you in the middle of a reality you don't want and yet for some reason are forced to bear, but you will bear it! God is going to give you the courage you need to do it – the kind of courage you didn't think you had. It's a moment in time when you feel totally helpless yet possess a courage and strength that seems to emerge from a deep place within you – the courage to rise up, despite the odds. It's a courage given at a time when you're at your weakest, and God is at His most powerful.

Ask Him for Courage with Cancer presents 52 reminders, one for each week, so you can ask God for courage in the battle. It has encouraging scriptures to remind you not to give way to the fear and uncertainty that comes with your cancer diagnosis.

This book also includes a personal journal, so as you read and meditate, it will not only help you identify how these devotions and Scriptures affect you in a personal way, but also to remind you of the promises He's made to you.

Ask Him for Courage with Cancer will help you understand that sometimes God's greatest gifts for you are concealed in His greatest challenges for you.

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