Ask Him for Courage with Cancer

Cancer comes uninvited and alters lives. Here's courage for the battle!

Cancer altered author Jane Harvey's life. It came uninvited and stole things from her, irreplaceable things. She kept trying to figure out how to turn everything that was upside down and inside out, back to normal. As a result of what she learned, she wrote Ask Him for Courage With Cancer so you too will know with absolute certainty that cancer does not have all the power. God is your most powerful ally in this battle. He will help you stand against all that cancer relentlessly tries to steal. Through it all, He will teach and guide your heart; and if you let Him, He will help you discover life-changing insights about yourself and those you love.

Right now cancer might have you in the middle of a reality you don 't want and yet for some reason are forced to bear, but you will bear it! God is going to give you the courage you need to do it g– the kind of courage you didn't think you had. It's a moment in time when you feel totally helpless yet possess a courage and strength that seems to emerge from a deep place within you – the courage to rise up, despite the odds. It's a courage given at a time when you're at your weakest, and God is at His most powerful.

Ask Him for Courage With Cancer presents 52 reminders to ask God for courage, one for each week, along with scriptures encouraging you not to give way to the fear and uncertainty that comes with your cancer diagnosis.

This book also includes a personal journal, not only to help you identify how these devotions and Scriptures affect you in a personal way, but also to help you remember the promises He is making to you as you read and meditate. Ask Him for Courage With Cancer will help you understand that sometimes God's greatest gifts are concealed in the greatest challenges He allows you to go through.


"Having lost a child to cancer, I can confirm first hand that Ask Him for Courage with Cancer touches on each and every aspect involved in the journey that my husband, daughter, and I shared with our son over his 22-month treatment. There is not an emotion, a fear, or a joy that goes unmentioned in this weekly devotional. I am most grateful to have this book to share with our friends and family members whose daily lives are challenged with this beast of an illness that everyone calls cancer. Thank you, Jane, for always being so open, willing and eager to share God's lessons of love and strength with us. My family and I love and appreciate you, your friendship, and your wisdom with all of our hearts."
- Jackie Jung Barre

"I couldn't sleep at all so I got up and found your book and began reading. Jane, you saved me. I was feeling very, very low and this is just what I needed. You hit every point, every feeling. I was amazed because I didn't know that everyone had these feelings. Ms. Jane, you have no idea how much this helped me this morning. I really needed it. Thank you . Thank you for reminding me that God is always in control. Thank you for writing these words of wisdom and sharing those fabulous verses."
-Lisa Kavanaugh

"I read it and my husband and my sister-in-law (who is currently staying with us for her cancer treatments) read it too. Interestingly enough, as a caregiver, it impacted me in one way and the two of them, as cancer patients, in another. Thumbs up from all three! It is inspirational and reminds us that through a hardship of this magnitude, we are not alone! I too plan to share it with the many other cancer patients we know who are hurting and feel isolated! It is a reminder that God is in control!"
- Diane Yohana Kelly

"Jane Harvey brings authenticity and compassion together with inspiration and encouragement in such a way that the written word comes alive on the pages of her book. She leads you through the journey of facing the unthinkable, in a way that makes you believe, 'I can do this!'"
- Karen Imhoff

"As a 22 year-old cancer survivor, I was able to relate to every word written in this powerful and uplifting book. I love the journal pages. From diagnosis to remission, this book will really help patients and families get through the hardest part of surviving the struggles that you are sure to face as you over- come cancer. After reading each page I kept thinking of the many people that I've met on my journey who could have used the words in this book while fighting to conquer this horrible disease. It's true that you can make it through anything if you trust in Him and that journey begins by Asking Him for Courage. Thank you for making this book."
- Trey Kertz

"Jane's unwavering dedication to allow God to speak through her has never been more realized than through her work in this particular book. I was a 38 year-old mother of three when I was given a 34% chance of surviving breast cancer. I finally learned to let go of my incessant control and learned to understand and trust God's will for me. I don't look back on my cancer as a curse; I look back on it as a gift that jumpstarted my faith and saved my eternal life. It is divine providence that so many of us with cancer have been put into the lives of this author. Jane's 'YES' to God has allowed the Holy Spirit to compile all of this wisdom to help us cope with this burden."
- Angelle Albright

"As I was reading the book, I just kept thinking that this can't come out fast enough! It is so very well thought out and also so thought provoking. I think it will be such a treasure to those who unfortunately will need it. I think you touched on the important feelings and emotions that people go through. The order they were put in was also very good. I loved ending on the note that He is always with you. Thank you for letting His Spirit speak through you to help others."
- Milissa Block

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